How To Choose A Great Organisation To Work For
Nurses and other Healthcare Professionals are like many of us who often find the task of job searching to be daunting and stressful. Whether you’re just starting your career or looking for a new opportunity, it can be hard to know which job is right for you.
“It can be tempting to take the first job that gets offered to you, but there are many factors that will determine how happy you’ll be after the ‘honeymoon’ stage is over,” says Shane King, Geneva’s Temporary & Permanent Staffing Manager.
Our specialist team from Geneva Staffing have put together a helpful list of things to consider when trying to figure out what roles best suit you.
Your personality will be a significant deciding factor in how well you fit in with the organisation’s culture. Just like wearing shoes that don’t quite fit, working in a place that doesn’t match your personality can feel uncomfortable. By choosing to work in a team that has similar ethics, goals, values, and ‘vibe’ as you can make work more enjoyable and lift your performance in the job.
Sometimes it can be hard to work out what the organisation’s culture is like before starting. Often, recruiters have good foresight about this because specific questions can be asked to evaluate if it would be a good match ahead of time.
Some nurses and health professionals thrive in fast-paced environments such as emergency rooms and hospitals, while others prefer a calmer 9-5 type roles in private practices. Knowing which environment best suits your strengths and weakness can be an essential factor to consider.
It can sometimes be hard to figure out what environment best suits you if you haven’t worked in a similar situation or are new in the industry. Recruiters can often be a great source of information about what kind of work environment specific jobs have and if that will fit well with your lifestyle and strengths.
Not everyone has a preference at first, but once you begin to consider the cost of living, city life, and proximity to friends and family, the location can be a good decision-maker.
Recruiters can help with this step in the process, as they are typically very familiar with the lifestyle of different cities or countries. It helps to talk it out with a recruiter so that you can both figure out where your ideal job may take you.
Career Development
Finding out what kind of training opportunities are available in your new job is an important thing to know. A lot of doors can open for people when there is a lot of professional support and career development in their role. Likewise, if there is a lack of these, the job can limit your future opportunities. Recruiters can be a helpful resource when trying to work out a career plan. They can also advise on what training you need to do to get your dream job, and if your current situation is helping you get there.
Employee Benefits
Lastly, looking at what employee benefits you will receive in your new job can be a significant deciding factor for a lot of people. Benefits come as a salary, bonuses, work schedule, and sometimes even relocation remuneration for those moving cities or countries for work.
Recruiters can often negotiate benefits with employers on your behalf. This is especially helpful if you’re not confident in negotiating on your own or if you’re unsure about what benefits you should be receiving.
Searching for a new job can often be a challenging task. The good news is that working with recruiters who specialise in health jobs can make the whole process easier.
Our Geneva Staffing team offers a free service to job candidates. We can help with career advice, CV reviews, interview preparation, and connecting you with jobs that match your preferences. For more information visit or call 0800 436 382 (option 3).