Geneva & NZHG brands take the Pride Pledge!
We commit to all LGBTTQIA+, Tāngata Takatāpui and Rainbow people having the freedom to feel safe, be included, and be visible and will use our voice to actively affirm, empower and celebrate our Rainbow communities.
New Zealand Health Group (NZHG) brands, is proud to be the country’s first national community health and support services provider to take the Pride Pledge, demonstrating the company’s dedication to the safety, visibility, inclusion, and celebration of the Rainbow and Takatāpui members within its communities and workforce.
Jane Kelley, NZHG Group Chief Executive said: “It is critical that our Rainbow workforce feel empowered to bring their whole authentic selves to work and that the people we support feel culturally safe and affirmed. Taking this pledge is an important milestone as it reflects our commitment to providing culturally appropriate training and services for all our LGBTTQIA+, Tāngata Takatāpui and Rainbow kaimahi (staff) and kiritaki (clients).
“Understanding that the Rainbow community is a vulnerable group in New Zealand society, we have established a Rainbow Leadership Roopu who will help guide our mahi, review our systems, policies and processes with a rainbow affirming lens to help ensure we are meeting the needs of this community. This is part of a wider Kaimahi Engagement Strategy, where leadership groups have been formed to ensure our people can see themselves represented and to feel heard within their workplace.”
As a member of the Rainbow community, Troy Dibble (He/Him) Geneva Healthcare’s Acting General Manager – Operations has always felt safe enough working with Geneva and NZHG to bring his whole self to work but notes there are challenges in the wider community.
“The elders in our community who led the charge for social change – for the rights New Zealander’s have today – are faced with a new challenge: the lack of appropriate services they can access as a LGBTTQIA+, Takatāpui or Rainbow identifying person. Taking the Pledge is about ensuring all members of our community can clearly identify our group of companies as organisations that they can trust. It’s about showing our Rainbow communities that our services will help them stay in their own homes where they want to be, without fear of judgement and discrimination, allowing them to maintain social connections with their friends, families, and community groups.”
Anita Guthrie (She/Her) Director of Organisational Development, Engagement and MySkill at NZHG adds “It’s exciting to be involved in this mahi and for NZHG to be the first national community health and disability provider to take the Pride Pledge.
“With 17 brands and over 10,000 people making up our awesome team across the motu, this is a way for us to continue to show our respect, support, and commitment to Rainbow, Tāngata Takatāpui kaimahi as well as the large amount of people we support who identify with the Rainbow community.
“NZHG will be guided by our Rainbow Leadership Group as we refine our ways of working and ensure the safety of support services for our Rainbow communities now and into the future,” Ms Guthrie adds.
Having taken this first step, NZHG will work toward rolling out workshops on Rainbow inclusion and affirming practices. These are to support our Kaimahi teams to understand why using correct pronouns is important, how to use expansive and inclusive language, trans health needs, and other important related subjects. These sessions are a great opportunity for our wider organisations to understand the challenges faced by our Rainbow and Takatāpui community, expand their skills and knowledge, and ensure we offer mana enhancing and rainbow affirmative services and workplaces, as well as helping all our organisations to continue to be leaders in affirming healthcare and support.