Case Study Requirements

In addition to completing the Level 2 Learning and Development Programme, assessors are required to submit a case study to demonstrate that they have the knowledge and skill required for the Level 2 Wheeled Mobility and Postural Management credential and (optional) Complex Custom Fabrication endorsement. Assessors are encouraged to review the competencies required as outlined within the Disability Support Services Competency Framework for Wheeled Mobility and Postural Management

Choosing the right case study: This is important to ensure you can demonstrate the knowledge and skill required for the credential, to the credentialing panel.

  • Ensure the person meets the Level 2 Clinical Indicators. NB people who only require tilt for functional reasons are considered Level 1.
  • Choose a person with poor sitting ability. This refers to people who, due to weakness or abnormal movement patterns/tone, cannot sit independently without support.
  • The case study must demonstrate the assessor’s ability to independently work through the assessment process from the initial interview, physical assessment, identification of needs/goals with the person, trial of equipment and final configuration and training.
  • For those assessors submitting a case study subsequent to an assessment which involved working jointly with another colleague, the reflective practice log for joint assessments should be completed. Assisted assessments where a more experienced assessor was needed to guide the process, should not be selected as a case study for the purposes of applying for the Level 2 credential.

Photographs for the case study:

  • Ensure you take “before” and “after” photographs of the person in their equipment (or sitting on a plinth if they have no existing equipment), from the front and side with faces obscured. People who self-propel should have a photograph taken from the side with their hands at the 12 o’clock position on the pushrims.
  • Include photographs of any modifications or customisations you have made to meet the person’s needs e.g. specific contouring of the back support, modified controller mount, setting of pre-ischial shelf (cover off will show this better).
  • Avoid black on black as this is too difficult to see.
  • Ensure photographs are clearly labelled. It is suggested that photographs are saved into a Word document to allow the blanking of faces, arrows and labels to be added, and then saved as a PDF to send with the case study.

The case study being forwarded to Enable New Zealand via EMS Assessor Online, must include the following:

  • Fully completed Level 2 Wheeled Mobility & Postural Management Case Study form. Ensure no personal information is included which could identify the person
  • Trial Outcome & Training form which includes options considered and/or trialled, outcomes, and a training plan. Equipment parameters identified in the assessment findings should be evident in the trial equipment.
  • Before and after photographs.
  • Typed reflective practice log using the format provided. This needs to be a reflection of the assessor’s own practice and show an awareness of their own competency and ownership of areas where they can affect change. It is not intended to be a reflection on problems/challenges with service delivery and the process of applying for funding. For those assessors submitting a case study subsequent to an assessment which involved working jointly with another colleague, the reflective practice log for joint assessments should be completed.